
About Us

General Manager Message

Mr. Kassab will provide his word soon.

Who we are

Vision: Our Vision is to become one of the regional leaders in designing, constructing and commissioning commercial and industrial buildings in the Middle East, Africa, and South East Asia within the upcoming 10 years.

Mission :

Our Mission is to provide our clients with high service quality, on time and on budget delivery. We shall achieve this by creating a partnership between our employees, managers, and clients. We will perform this in the most efficient and productive manner such as to generate a reasonable return for our shareholders and ourselves.

Our Values :

Our values are basic and fundamental and shall remain the guiding light in our dealings internal and external. These are the uncompromising foundations upon which we built our Mission.

Integrity :

the courage to maintain the right from the wrong without compromise.

Reliability :

the ability to deliver on what we promise, without exception.

Accountability :

the strength to be responsible for own actions and decisions.

Competitive Advantage :

Our advantages come from being committed to beating our clients’ expectation, recruiting only the best talent, and in adapting a decentralized ‘modus operandi’ that is connected via our information-sharing platform, Mittal Tech.

What we do

Mittal’s specialty is in providing comprehensive design-build solutions to the industrial, commercial and institutional market. The company has the in-house capabilities to develop a project from conception through construction until completion.

Our services include :

Design-Build Turnkey Solutions :

Based on the client’s requirements and specifications, the company leverages its internal competences and experiences to streamline the project cost and provides the client with value engineered design. It also obtains approval from authorities, and proceeds to complete the turnkey construction of the project.

Turnkey Construction :

The Company undertakes a project based on the requirements of the client as per pre-approved designs completed by a third party engineering/design office.

Design-Build of Steel Building Solutions :

The Company designs steel buildings solutions and undertakes the task of supplying and erecting the steel structures. This is typically done for large steel projects such as power plants and oilfield applications.

Mittal Personnel:

Profile :

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